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About Us

The people behind the magic

Michael Price

Michael’s excelled in everything from employment to education. Now, he’s here to help you be the best you can be.

He started his journey in IT from a very young age, when he was tinkering around with JavaScript and HTML. He watched DEFCON talks in the 8th grade. Now, he’s had a promising career with a variety of pivotal roles across organizations.

He’s won numerous competitive awards for his work in cybersecurity. Currently, he works for a nonprofit managing the cybersecurity and IT infrastructure of critical health information and building software and cybersecurity procedures from the ground up. Before that, he wrote code for an early-stage startup, helping to build features and patch bugs in a newly created project.
And now, he’s using his knowledge to teach you everything you need to know about the IT and cybersecurity industry, at an affordable price.

Our Goal

The education industry is, arguably, one of the most important industries out there. It intersects with every other industry – without a solid education industry, we wouldn’t have enough doctors, engineers, or scientists. Or enough of anyone in any skilled field, for that matter.

Information technology is just as important – it also intersects with many other industries. Factories, hospitals, schools, labs – they’re all full of computers.

This makes the intersection of IT and education very significant. Yet, it can feel neglected at times. The theory taught in textbooks is good, but just as medical students do practicals, IT students should have a chance to do something similar in a high quality, realistic manner.

Price Education plans to bring hands-on training to the forefront, mixing typical education techniques with real-world lab environments to prepare the next generation of IT and cybersecurity professionals. We’re starting by preparing people for the certification exams that will get them into the job market – but future plans include our own courses and even our own certifications.